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The governors at St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School have adopted the 'Journey In Love' programme to support the non-statutory relationships and sex education across the school from Reception to Year 6.  The programme of study is authentic to the teaching of the Catholic Church.  Below is a brief outline of the content of the programme...  


This programme of study covers Key Stages 1 to 2 and is based on three core themes within which there will be broad, overlap and flexible to the age, ability of the pupils. 


The three themes are:

1. Created and loved by God

2. Created to love others

3. Created to live in our society and the wider world


Within these three themes the lessons covered include Social and Emotional, Physical and Spiritual development. 

For each of these there is a Learning Intention around a 5 part lesson with:-


1. Questions to consider

2. Possible activities

3. Pause and Reflect

4. Prayer

4. Sing 


As part of our commitment to you, we will hold an annual consultation for the parents and carers of children across the school to discuss the programme.  As parents, you have the right to withdraw your child from this aspect of the curriculum however, this is not to be confused with curriculum Science which is statutory.


Parents have the prime responsibility in teaching their children how to build healthy, loving relationships, but our Catholic schools play a vital part in supporting parents. We expect all Catholic schools ensure that space is made in the curriculum for Relationship and Sex Education (RSE). The content of what is taught must express the teaching of the Church, and should be delivered to suit the age of the children or young people to whom it is addressed. We all need to recognise that without providing an education in this area, we leave many young people vulnerable to receiving their education second-hand, and often from sources which damage them and their capacity to love.

If you require any further clarification regarding this aspect of the curriculum please contact:

Mrs S Leck Headteacher


Journey in Love Progression skills map
