Home Page

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!


A big welcome from all the staff in Year 5! You will find lots of information to help you on the following pages. Up coming events will be added as we get the dates. Photos will be added also as activities are taken part in.


20-4-17 - Art and English Project - Extraordinary/Ordinary

2-5-17 - Filming taking place in school.

9& 11 - 17 - Roberts Bakery in class.

11-5-17 - St. Mary's High in school - Drama workshop.

18-5-17 - Empty Classroom Day.

22-5-17 - Dance off - Leigh Sports Village.

23-5-17 - Egyptians workshop in school - building pyramids - parents welcome at end of day.

12-6-17 - Leigh 6 form college - Dance Performance - Arts exhibition - 5:30-6:00pm

19-6-17 - Sports Day.

26-6-17 - Whole school sponsored event.

28-6-17 - Hope Academy Ethos Day.

29-6-17 - Crucial Crew - Wigan - pm.

17-7-17 - Prize giving (TBC)

21-7-17 - Finish for Summer Holidays. 







Year 5 class assembly HOPE

Science - absorbancy

Science - Shadows

English - drama - Roald Dahl

PE - Benchball winners assembly

Book Day

D&T Bird hide

History - Farming communities

Geography - Rainforest

Dance off competition

Year 5 Links

Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your Teacher know!

Have you seen the Kids’ Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.
