Home Page

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!


A big welcome from all the staff in Year 5! You will find lots of information to help you on the following pages. Up coming events will be added as we get the dates. Photos will be added also as activities are taken part in.  



Our days for PE/Games is WEDNESDAY which will be PE in school and FRIDAY when we will be going to swimming sessions at Leigh Sports Village.  Children should come to school in their kits on Wednesday and come into school wearing their swimming kit under their PE kit or school uniform on Friday.



Homework will be given out this year on a FRIDAY and will be expected to be completed by the following WEDNESDAY.  Homework in the Autumn term will consist of 3 weekly Reading Plus (achieving 80% or more on comprehension), spellings, Reading Challenge and another piece of work which will be linked to the learning which has taken place in either maths or English.



Children will have a spelling test every FRIDAY.




Who's who?

Mr. Hughes - Y5 Class teacher

Mrs. Rothwell - Teaching Assistant

Class Timetable
