Home Page

Year 1


Welcome to Year 1, it's so good to see you all back in school and ready to start your learning journey in Year 1!  We have got a busy year ahead of us, but we intend to make your learning fun and enjoyable.  Our topics include Explorers, Toys, Local and Wider UK Geography, Weather, Animals and Humans, Materials and Plants. We will also cover a wide variety of books that will be used in English, as well as continuing to develop our Maths skills, PE and Religious Education. 


Important Information

Spellings - published on Class Dojo on Friday for a spelling quiz the following Friday.

Phonics - Homework will be published on Class Dojo each Friday for completion the following Thursday. This can be completed by printing off, copying onto paper or directly onto Class Dojo.

PE/Games - Monday and Tuesday: all children need to come to school in their PE/Games kits and trainers or pumps.  Please ensure they have their games kit on as we may be outside even if it's chilly.

Reading books  - Books will be changed weekly; please support your child by reading with them, asking them questions about the text and making sure they bring their reading pack to school regularly.

Class Timetable
