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Year 6

Year 6

Our wonderful Year Six class


Welcome to Year 6.

What a wonderful start to 2017! The children have returned after Christmas with the perfect attitudes for what is going to be a very exciting, busy term. After a wonderful autumn term, I know the children will continue to make me proud and demonstrate what a super Year 6 class they are.



English and Maths homework will be set on Friday and are to be returned by the following Tuesday.

Spellings are set on Friday and are tested on the following Friday. 



Games is on Tuesday and P.E is on Thursday. Please ensure kits are in school on the relevant days. 


Dates for your diary:

Friday 13th January 2017: Reward afternoon for the entire Year 6 class achieving Bronze Award in Autumn Term.

Thursday 19th January 2017: St Mary's staff visiting school to work with Year 6.

Wednesday 25th January 2017: Electricity workshop for Year 6.

Wednesday 25th January 2017: SATs meeting for Year 6 parents at 5pm.

Monday 6th February 2017 - Friday 10th February 2017: Low Bank Ground Residential.

Year 6 Staff

Year 6 Links

Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your Teacher know!

Have you seen the Kids’ Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.
