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  • Morag's Visit

    Fri 06 Sep 2013
    We were very excited about Morag's visit just before the summer holidays. She spent a full week with us to extend our partnership and develop our global links. Throughout her time with us she enjoyed our hospitality, especially the fish and chips from the local chippy! 

    Our joint project this year is Our World, Our Responsibility and children have produced work in their classes based on ideas around this theme. Morag observed lessons and was involved in all aspects of daily school life. Throughout her visit she shared  her culture with the children;she taught us dances and songs that the children in our partner school Hitekani know.

    Mrs Davi and Mrs Coveney will be returning to Soweto next week and we wish them a safe journey. A blog will be set  up enabling us to keep in contact and develop our communication links.
  • Peanut Chameleon

    Wed 04 Sep 2013
    The installation that now adorns our Nature Garden were inspired by the children's drawings around the theme of Our World, Our Responsibility.
    The Arts Ambassadors commissioned Graffiti artist Ian Edmondson to realise their ides in the form of four huge canvases and the project was supported and funded by a kind donation from the PTA who value the contribution the Arts make in our school.

    Every child in school was involved in the collaborative project and they loved learning how to use the spray cans to make different marks. The children were also amazed at the range of colours they could create.

    Peanut Chameleon provided a stimulating and inspirational opportunity that enabled our children to engage with their surroundings, whilst developing their interest and understanding of the creative process.

    Take a look at the installation as you come into school.